Tag: preferred bonds

Commentary April 2024 – Getting through Indigestion

Reblogged from Brintab   This winter we witnessed coping with foggy economic conditions in various parts of the world, from China to the Middle East, Ukraine, and North America.  Not to say things were dire per se, but we waited

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Commentary April 2022 – Inflation Goes Into Overdrive

Reblogged from Brintab As the developed world navigated past the Omicron virus wave, various factors lengthened and/or accelerated the inflation we once hoped would be transitory.  On the economic demand-growth side, various economies saw increased consumer activity, especially in leisure

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Commentary January 2022 – Digesting Omicron and Persistent Inflation Impact

Reblogged from Brintab Commentary January 2022 – Digesting Omicron and Persistent Inflation Impact There were many winds washing through the markets in the months leading up to the New Year.  Hence it was a tumultuous time.  To name a few: The

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Commentary July 2021 – Assessing Economic Progress

Reblogged from Brintab.com With the gradual reopening of businesses post-Covid, we are seeing glimmers of hope regarding the economic recovery.  Still, the pandemic created chaos that continues to settle out bit by bit.  There were changed buying habits, pent up

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